The New Building

a architect(s)

18 Firm
ADP Architects
19 Project Architect
Joe Morgan
20 Type of project
new building

b aims of the new building

21 Short description of the main objectives and purposes of the project

Provision of additional study space, and also modern facilities able to support students using their own devices, working either on their own or in groups.

c special features

22 Site
On the main University campus, with two entrances, one onto campus, and the other onto a main road passing the University entrance.
23 Architecture

The building form is roughly rectangular, but is designed to fit the existing site, located between 2 listed churches and 2 roads to front & rear. Level access is provided from Woodhouse lane maximising accessibility

across a site with difficult topography of a 3m drop. This level enables a lower ground floor accessible from Hillary place.

The ground floor is predominantly open access for social learning, cafe spaces

with secure access to training rooms and the community classroom.

Upper levels are predominantly open plan, maximising flexibility with a central WC and

lift core, with quiet study and bookstock being located on the top three


The floor plates of the building are simple and flexible, with an insitu concrete frame and floor slabs, ensuring that the accommodation can be altered and adapted easily in the future. The use of insitu concrete also provides thermal mass to aid temperature control.

External walls are solid Portland stone on an insulated reinforced concrete backing, with plastered blockwork internally.

High performance double glazed windows.

All levels fully accessible with purpose designed accessible teaching rooms, wash rooms & toilets.

The building is designed to the University’s Sustainable Construction Guide with insulation levels 25% better than building regulations & air tightness 4 times better. Other features;

Automatic lighting system to supplement and enhance daylight levels and

through absence detection via PIRs

LED lighting

Displacement air system

Energy efficient plant and system selection with heat recovery

District heating system utilising UoL steam main

Use of revolving doors to maintain air tightness

The use of low flush toilets with dual flush, push taps

each toilet area linked to an infra-red movement detector.

Green roof areas.

225m2 photovoltaic (PV)