Technical Information

a floor area (24-35)

24 Total gross floor area
16300 sq. metres
divided into
25 Open access services
3850 sq. metres
special rooms for (26-29)
26 Audiovisual
27 Computers
28 Special collections
29 Seminar room(s)
7 group work rooms, 1 parents-children room, 1 training room
special activities (30-32)
30 Exhibition space
31 Lecture hall
32 Public refreshments
33 Administration and staff areas
34 Closed access stacks
35 Circulations areas (corridors, stairs, lifts), toilets, technical rooms, etc.
36 Further information
37 Number of reader seats (total)
divided into
38 Audiovisual
39 Computers
40 Seminar room(s)
41 Regular

b total potential capacity of shelving

42 Books and periodicals (total)
392000 monograph volumes , 452 current periodicals, all in open stacks
43 Open access stacks
44 Closed access stacks
45 Compact shelving
46 Audiovisual materials
47 Other
48 Number of staff required to operate the new library

c mechanical features

49 Ventilation/Air Conditioning
Underground channel under the baseplate is used for the pre-conditioning of the outside air, and thus reduces energy consumption.
50 Heating
Cooling in summer and heating in winter through a concrete core activation.
51 Lighting
52 Acoustics
53 Lifts, elevators, escalators
54 Book transportation system
55 Theft detection
56 Building management system
57 Type of IT infrastructure
58 Other
Rainwater is collected in an external tank and used as a service water.