Technical Information

a floor area (24-35)

24 Total gross floor area
25000 sq. metres [The Culture house contains a library, theatre, cinemas, art hall, museum of women's history, Conference centre, hotels, cafées and restaurants.]
divided into
25 Open access services
15000 sq. metres [Library, Theatre, Cinemas, Art hall, museum and other public areas. Remaining 10 000 sqm rented by a private company.]
special rooms for (26-29)
26 Audiovisual
27 Computers
28 Special collections
29 Seminar room(s)
special activities (30-32)
30 Exhibition space
1000 sq. metres [Art hall and Museum of women's history.]
31 Lecture hall
330 sq. metres [Mid sizes meeting rooms]
32 Public refreshments
400 sq. metres [Café rented and runned by a private company]
33 Administration and staff areas
2900 sq. metres
34 Closed access stacks
35 Circulations areas (corridors, stairs, lifts), toilets, technical rooms, etc.
1500 sq. metres
36 Further information
37 Number of reader seats (total)
divided into
38 Audiovisual
Smartboards in all programme rooms.
Displays in all bookable study rooms.
39 Computers
40 Seminar room(s)
41 Regular

b total potential capacity of shelving

42 Books and periodicals (total)
12000 linear metres
43 Open access stacks
5300 linear metres
44 Closed access stacks
400 linear metres
45 Compact shelving
6000 linear metres
46 Audiovisual materials
100 linear metres
47 Other
48 Number of staff required to operate the new library

c mechanical features

49 Ventilation/Air Conditioning
50 Heating
51 Lighting
52 Acoustics
53 Lifts, elevators, escalators
7 elevators and 2 escalators
54 Book transportation system
Lyngsoe Systems
55 Theft detection
RFID Tagsys LSP3
56 Building management system
57 Type of IT infrastructure
Open wifi for visitors.
Fiber network for work places and information desks.
58 Other