The New Building

a architect(s)

18 Firm
P&B Partner Architekten
19 Project Architect
Hochbauamt des Kantons Zürich (Building office of the Zurich Canton)
20 Type of project
(Rebuilding of an historical industrial building)

b aims of the new building

21 Short description of the main objectives and purposes of the project

Close the five old small library locations in Winterthur.

Provide new services for the students and the scientists.

Extend the number of reader seats, workplaces and group rooms.

Create a learning landscape with an activity-based conception of more than 1700 square meters.

c special features

22 Site
The new library is situated near by the Winterthur central station.
Currently the schools are in the distance from about 220 to about 800 meters to the library.
23 Architecture

1. Rectangle plan of 100 x 16 m, complemented with a convex additional element of 100 x maximal 20 m, 20 m high.

2. Red Eternit (cement asbestos) shingles as historical built volumes today red shngles without cement asbestos of equal form, Curtainwall-construction.

3. House-in-house-construction

4. Reduced energy costs standard

5. Disabled access

6. Listed building