The New Building

a architect(s)

18 Firm
SAN-HUMA´90 s.r.o., Župné námestie 9, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia
19 Project Architect
1st stage – renovation – Ing. Ľubomír Holejšovský, Ing. Arch. Juraj Polyák, 2nd stage – new building – Ing. Ľubomír Holejšovský, Ing. Arch. Vladimír Jarabica
20 Type of project
(1st stage – renovation
2nd stage – new building)

b aims of the new building

21 Short description of the main objectives and purposes of the project

The original library was situated in unsuitable premises. The space, technical condition and the location separated from other University premises were not suitable.

The University management decided to locate the new University Library in the area of a former tobacco factory built in 1936, which was bought by the Constantine the Philosopher University (CPU) in Nitra a few years before. The University has reconstructed and is still reconstructing the existing structures for the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Central European Studies and others in this area. There are some spatial reserves for further extension of the University in the area. The chosen location is in the vicinity of the dormitory area, which is a big advantage. Such a location provides prerequisites for frequent use of the library by students.

The new University Library was built in two stages. The existing unused structures of a former boiler house, storage and fermentation chambers were rebuilt and completed in the first stage. In those premises there are study rooms, a reading room, cultural and pastoral centre and a part of the Library fund. The second stage included the construction of a new building of the Library, functionally interconnected with the premises in the reconstructed structures. The staging enabled progressive use of the premises in shorter time intervals.

The University Library fund has been concentrated into one modern complex, which provides services both for students and the public. The new Library provides spatial prerequisites for extension of the Library fund. Modern technologies both for the comfortable use of the Library (Internet access, modern Library system) and to ensure control and safety (access system, camera system) are used in the structure.

c special features

22 Site
The University Library in University area has a direct connection to the area of students´ accommodation. The location of the Library provides prerequisites for its frequent use by students.
23 Architecture

1st stage– reconstruction

The architectural intention was to avoid complete disappearing of the industrial character of the structures and the entire area by giving the original structures a new function in connection to already reconstructed and rebuilt structures. This intention is supported also by partial admission of steel bearing structures and use of abrasive architekture concrete in the interior and keeping the original division of glass surfaces on the façade using the siding and roof by pre-weathered titanium-zinc sheet.

Playing with natural light and its utilisation in the interior of the Library was an important element of the basic philosophy.

2nd stage – new building

Cylindrical shape of the mass of the structure with a round plan view with one underground and three above-ground storeys forms a significant accent of the area. It is interconnected with the 1st stage of the library on the second above-ground floor. The round plan view enabled forming an architectonically interesting internal space with the central communication premises of the staircase and the lift connecting all storeys.

We remind of the original industrial character of the area by a steel-concrete bearing structure, partially admitted also in the interior. The façade of the structure is made of a protruding aluminium construction glazed by colourful glass. Before this structure a shielding structure made of stainless steel and hung stainless netting Haver-Boecker is protruding. The shielding stainless netting changes the appearance of the structure according to the light. There was also the intention to achieve transparency of the structure, where the life of the library may be felt behind the glass facade. The feeling of transparency is stronger also thanks to flooding of the structure with daylight through the central skylight located above the staircase. Despite the transparency has low energy demands.