General Information

a name and address

1 Type of library
university [university]
2 Name of library / Name of mother institution
Library of Poznan University of Technology / Poznan University of Technology
3 Address
ul. Piotrowo 261-138 Poznań, Poland
4 Phone / Fax / Email
(phone: +48 61 665 3668

fax: +48 61 665-3615

5 Name of the director of the library
Mgr. Małgorzata Furgał
6 Contact person for enquiries
(Karolina Popławska,

b population served

7 Current readership, number of registered readers
12 749
8 Number of full time students
9 570
9 Number of part time students
1 215
10 Number of staff in institution
1 964

c the old/original building(s)

11 Total floor area
1 565
12 Number of reader seats
13 Total capacity of shelving
369 771 books, periodicals, standards
14 …in open access storage
standards - 42 340, books - 13 781, periodicals - 5 475
15 …in closed access stacks
books - 232 009, periodicals - 76 166
16 Number of library staff
17 Opening hours to the public
hours per week - 50, days per year 225