Schedule Of The Building Process
- A) General Information
- B) The New Building
- C) Technical Information
- D) Schedule Of The Building Process
- E) Costs (Including Taxes)
- F) Publications & Awards
- G) Plans & Photos
- 59 Planning, preliminary brief
- 7/2001 Bedarfsbeschreibung/ Bauantrag
- 60 Architectural competition
- 6-11/2002 offener, zweiphasiger baulicher Realisierungswettbewerb mit 209 Teilnehmern
- 61 Period of project
- Vorplanung 2006, ab 2007 Ausführungsplanung und Realisierung
- 62 Opening of the construction work
- 1/2007
- 63 Conclusion of the construction
- bis 5/2011
- 64 Furnishing and moving the collections
- ab 6/2010
- 65 Opening of the new building for public
- 09.05.2011