Technical Information
a floor area (24-35)
- 24
Total gross floor area
- 11478 sq. metres
- divided into
- 25
Open access services
- 10127 sq. metres
- special rooms for (26-29)
- 26
- 120 sq. metres [9 group rooms, 3 group pods and 8 individual rooms, 1 individual room with listening facilities and music keyboard]
- 27
- 540 sq. metres [3 PC rooms (other PCs on study desks not included)]
- 28
Special collections
- 29
Seminar room(s)
- 120 sq. metres [as noted above 9 seminar rooms]
- special activities (30-32)
- 30
Exhibition space
- 31
Lecture hall
- 32
Public refreshments
- 36 sq. metres
- 33
Administration and staff areas
- 378 sq. metres
- 34
Closed access stacks
- 35
Circulations areas (corridors, stairs, lifts), toilets, technical rooms, etc.
- 497 sq. metres
- 36
Further information
- Four levels, all accessible to public
- 37
Number of reader seats (total)
- 1300
- divided into
- 38
- 96
- 39
- 230
- 40
Seminar room(s)
- 40
- 41
- 934
b total potential capacity of shelving
- 42
Books and periodicals (total)
- 23000 linear metres
- including
- 43
Open access stacks
- 23000 linear metres
- 44
Closed access stacks
- 45
Compact shelving
- 12800 linear metres [included in total figure]
- 46
Audiovisual materials
- 152 linear metres [included in total figure]
- 47
- 48
Number of staff required to operate the new library
- 72 [72 FTE during the working day (9-5) Monday to Friday. Extended hours staff at other times]
c mechanical features
- 49
Ventilation/Air Conditioning
- chilled beam and radiators fed by University Building Environmental Management System
- 50
- chilled beam and radiators fed by University Building Environmental Management System
- 51
- motion-detection
- 52
- Gustav paneling feature walls to absorb sound
- 53
Lifts, elevators, escalators
- 2 lifts
- 54
Book transportation system
- human
- 55
Theft detection
- Boon Edam and Telepen entrance gates, 3M for short loan area
- 56
Building management system
- BEMS centralled controlled by University Estates and Building
- 57
Type of IT infrastructure
- Whole building wireless enabled. Network wiring is Cat 6.
- 58