General Information
a name and address
- 1
Type of library
- university, public
- 2
Name of library / Name of mother institution
The Hive
/ University of Worcester
- 3
- The Hive, Sawmill Walk, The Butts, Worcester WR1 3PB
- 4
Phone / Fax / Email
01905 822866
((General Enquiries):,
(Booking Enquiries):
- 5
Name of the director of the library
- Anne Hannaford, Director of Information and Learning Services, Judith Keene, University Librarian and Assistant Director of Information and Learning Services, Janine Downes, Hive Library Manager
- 6
Contact person for enquiries
Anne Hannaford, Director of Information and Learning Services
b population served
- 7
Current readership, number of registered readers
- 23334 [as up until 20th November 2013]
- 8
Number of full time students
- 8102
- 9
Number of part time students
- 1789
- 10
Number of staff in institution
- 1784 [including hourly paid teaching staff, temp staff, and student temps]
c the old/original building(s)
- 11
Total floor area
- 2960 sq. metres
- 12
Number of reader seats
- 537
- 13
Total capacity of shelving
- 4774 linear metres [approx. 150,000 volumes]
- 14
…in open access storage
- 3516 linear metres
- 15
…in closed access stacks
- 1248 linear metres
- 16
Number of library staff
- 49 [48.91 FTE]
- 17
Opening hours to the public
- 86.5 days per week (Term), 42 days per week (Vacation)