General Information

a name and address

1 Type of library
Bibliothèque universitaire évoluant en un Learning Centre.
Nom en cours de décision: LEARNING CENTRE INNOVATION
2 Name of library / Name of mother institution
Université Lille 1, Sciences et Technologie
3 Address
Bibliothèque universitaire, Cité scientifique, Avenue Poincaré, BP 30555, 59653 VILLENEUVE D'ASC (France)
4 Phone / Fax / Email
+ 33 (0)3 20 43 44 10 + 33 (0)3 20 33 71 04
5 Name of the director of the library
M. Julien ROCHE
6 Contact person for enquiries
Laurent MATEJKO, chef de projet "Learning Centre" pour la bibliothèque universitaire

b population served

7 Current readership, number of registered readers
8 Number of full time students
9 Number of part time students
10 Number of staff in institution

c the old/original building(s)

11 Total floor area
6376 sq. metres
12 Number of reader seats
13 Total capacity of shelving
12928 linear metres
14 …in open access storage
2428 linear metres
15 …in closed access stacks
10500 linear metres
16 Number of library staff
17 Opening hours to the public
59 heures/semaine, 221 jours/an