Technical Information

a floor area (24-35)

24 Total gross floor area
1056 sq. metres
divided into
25 Open access services
835 sq. metres
special rooms for (26-29)
26 Audiovisual
37 sq. metres [3rooms: CD/DVD/BluRay, 5.0 surround, Video projector, Keyboard, Phono, MiniDisc, LaserDisc, VHS, cassette]
27 Computers
28 Special collections
150 sq. metres [music manuscript, rare materials and reference rooms]
29 Seminar room(s)
special activities (30-32)
30 Exhibition space
31 Lecture hall
32 Public refreshments
33 Administration and staff areas
215 sq. metres [including digital conversion and scanning facilities for valuable material]
34 Closed access stacks
40 sq. metres
35 Circulations areas (corridors, stairs, lifts), toilets, technical rooms, etc.
1 lift, 2 toilets, staircase
36 Further information
2 levels of which 2 are public. 2 research rooms (total 13 m2). 6 catalog search workstations, 1 microcard reader.
37 Number of reader seats (total)
divided into
38 Audiovisual
16 [10 are also computer places) + 10 in AV rooms. Additional services: VHS-DVD-conversion, DAT, tape cartridge & 78 rpm phono]
39 Computers
14 [10 are also AV places, see above), with printing and 2 scanners]
40 Seminar room(s)
41 Regular

b total potential capacity of shelving

42 Books and periodicals (total)
2049 linear metres
43 Open access stacks
1623 linear metres
44 Closed access stacks
46 linear metres
45 Compact shelving
700 linear metres [both open and closed stacks]
46 Audiovisual materials
50000 volumes [ca 50 000 items (CDs, DVDs, BluRays, LPs)]
47 Other
48 Number of staff required to operate the new library

c mechanical features

49 Ventilation/Air Conditioning
Heat recovery ventilation
50 Heating
District heating
51 Lighting
Intelligent lighting
52 Acoustics
Acoustic design: Nagata Acoustics / Akukon Oy (AV rooms soundproofed with floating floor)
53 Lifts, elevators, escalators
1 lift by KONE Oyj
54 Book transportation system
55 Theft detection
3M theft detection system
56 Building management system
Computerized system for air conditioning, temperature control, lighting, fire and other emergency management
57 Type of IT infrastructure
Sibelius Academy high-speed LAN (GB range) and WLAN, also Music Centre open access WLAN
58 Other
Self-service borrowing and returning systems