General Information

a name and address

1 Type of library
2 Name of library / Name of mother institution
Helsinki University Library, Main Library / University of Helsinki
3 Address
P.O. Box 53 (Fabianinkatu 30), FIN-00014 University of Helsinki
4 Phone / Fax / Email
+358 294 1911 (
5 Name of the director of the library
Mr. Kimmo Tuominen, University Librarian, Dr. SSc
6 Contact person for enquiries
Matti Hjerppe

b population served

7 Current readership, number of registered readers
100300 [100,300 of which active readers 40,600]
8 Number of full time students
9 Number of part time students
27400 [27,400 (open university, updating training)]
10 Number of staff in institution

c the old/original building(s)

11 Total floor area
12464 sq. metres [12,464 m² in several buildings (4 faculty libraries, Undergraduate Library)]
12 Number of reader seats
13 Total capacity of shelving
31472 linear metres
14 …in open access storage
24764 linear metres
15 …in closed access stacks
6708 linear metres
16 Number of library staff
90 [approximately]
17 Opening hours to the public
Different opening hours, depending on the library: 45-61 hours per week; 284 days per year