General Information

a name and address

1 Type of library
university [University Library]
2 Name of library / Name of mother institution
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern – Standort UNI/PHZ-Gebäude / Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern
3 Address
Frohburgstrasse 3, CH-6002 Lucerne, Switzerland
4 Phone / Fax / Email
(P 041 228 77 57; F 041 228 77 67;
5 Name of the director of the library
Ulrich Niederer
6 Contact person for enquiries
(Tobias Schelling)

b population served

7 Current readership, number of registered readers
18 000
8 Number of full time students
3 300
9 Number of part time students
10 Number of staff in institution

c the old/original building(s)

11 Total floor area
total 1 300 m², 4 sites
12 Number of reader seats
approx. 200
13 Total capacity of shelving
100 000 books (900 000 in a storage depot)
14 …in open access storage
100 000
15 …in closed access stacks
900 000 (in a storage depot)
16 Number of library staff
17 Opening hours to the public
57,5 – 66 hours per week at the different sites