Technical Information

a floor area (24-35)

24 Total gross floor area
9 265 m²
divided into
25 Open access services
4 000 m²
special rooms for (26-29)
26 Audiovisual
120 m²
27 Computers
200 m²
28 Special collections
400 m² (historian Durica collection)
29 Seminar room(s)
300 m²
special activities (30-32)
30 Exhibition space
320 m²
31 Lecture hall
200 m²
32 Public refreshments
240 m²
33 Administration and staff areas
1 130 m²
34 Closed access stacks
110 m²
35 Circulations areas (corridors, stairs, lifts), toilets, technical rooms, etc.
1 800 m²
36 Further information
7 administration levels, 4 public levels, 1 basement (archives, technical rooms)
37 Number of reader seats (total)
divided into
38 Audiovisual
39 Computers
40 Seminar room(s)
41 Regular

b total potential capacity of shelving

42 Books and periodicals (total)
22 540 linear metres (790 000 volumes)
43 Open access stacks
5 400 linear metres (190 000 volumes)
44 Closed access stacks
17 140 linear metres (600 000 volumes)
45 Compact shelving
46 Audiovisual materials
47 Other
48 Number of staff required to operate the new library

c mechanical features

49 Ventilation/Air Conditioning
air conditioning with automatic control and regulation
50 Heating
underfloor heating combined with air conditioning, heat pump source and gas heating
51 Lighting
main lighting - fluorescent tubes, additional lighting – downlights over the study places
52 Acoustics
we expect low levels of noise in open study places; closed and group study rooms are designed for quiet study
53 Lifts, elevators, escalators
3 lifts for 10 people, 1 glazed panoramic lift in entrance place, 2 utility lifts
54 Book transportation system
lift + manual hand truck
55 Theft detection
magnetic chip in the book + detection gates
56 Building management system
automatic control and energy management building, electronic fire alarm, automatic fire-fighting equipment in special archives, etc.
57 Type of IT infrastructure
structured data cabling, about 900 possible connections (including about 400 in study places) + wi-fi
58 Other