Technical Information

a floor area (24-35)

24 Total gross floor area
18 828 m² GIFA
divided into
25 Open access services
2 131 m², comprising three special collections reading rooms with adjacent open access areas, Enquiries Area, seminar rooms and Centre for the Study of the Book.
special rooms for (26-29)
26 Audiovisual
Range of AV facilities distributed across spaces below.
27 Computers
105 m² 17-seater Digital Media Centre with hi-end facilities. Other computing distributed.
28 Special collections
642 m² of special collections curatorial office accommodation.
29 Seminar room(s)
A total 143 m² comprised of 4 seminar and group study rooms.
special activities (30-32)
30 Exhibition space
A treasures gallery (120 m²) and a changing exhibitions gallery (164 m²).
31 Lecture hall
120 m² 112-seater Lecture Theatre with fixed raked seating.
32 Public refreshments
878 m² open plan Blackwell Hall atrium with 120-seater café and potential for special events catering for 250 seated, temporary exhibitions.
33 Administration and staff areas
808 m² Conservation, 67 m² staff common room, 72 m² staff/reader café, 53 m² Admissions Office, 216 m² Imaging Studio, (642 m² curatorial offices excluded here, see 29 above).
34 Closed access stacks
7 415 m² across three basement levels,
35 Circulations areas (corridors, stairs, lifts), toilets, technical rooms, etc.
2 769 m²
36 Further information
3 basement levels, 3 principal above ground levels, central ‘floating’ core with 5 levels. Public access to Ground Floor.
37 Number of reader seats (total)
divided into
38 Audiovisual
39 Computers
40 Seminar room(s)
41 Regular

b total potential capacity of shelving

42 Books and periodicals (total)
41 693 lm (1 417 460 nominal volumes)
43 Open access stacks
2 788 lm
44 Closed access stacks
37 728 lm
45 Compact shelving
16 117 lm (included in 44 above)
46 Audiovisual materials
Included in 43 and 44
47 Other
64 map planchests, 274 lm strong-room
48 Number of staff required to operate the new library

c mechanical features

49 Ventilation/Air Conditioning
Full air conditioning to BS5454 to stack areas, utilizing low velocity air movements between plenum walls, comfort cooling to office areas and reading rooms.
50 Heating
Via air-conditioning
51 Lighting
Proximity controlled fluorescents to stack areas. Controlled light levels in exhibition galleries. Natural lighting to atrium via retained Gilbert Scott windows.
52 Acoustics
Acoustic paneling to atrium walls
53 Lifts, elevators, escalators
1 goods lift, 3 passenger lifts provided in two new service cores.
54 Book transportation system
By lift
55 Theft detection
Electro-magnetic detection at exit points, CCTV, IDS
56 Building management system
Full BMS
57 Type of IT infrastructure
Cat 5e
58 Other
Access Control System utilizing University Common Card