The New Building

a architect(s)

18 Firm
Scott Tallon Walker
19 Project Architect
StJohn Handley
20 Type of project

b aims of the new building

21 Short description of the main objectives and purposes of the project

Address need for greater stock and seating capacity while also meet demand for 24/7 capability, ubiquitous wifi, more end-user power supply, teaching rooms and a range of student space from the social to the silent.

c special features

22 Site
Located in Maynooth Ireland’s only University town, the campus is divided by a road into north and south with the library in the centre acting as a nexus. The campus hosts two institutions – National University of Ireland, Maynooth and St. Patrick’s College Maynooth and the library serves both.
23 Architecture

The extension is based on a precast concrete grid of 6.5 metres. There is a glass twin wall system on the upper floors. The building complies with all access and safety regulations including for example the provision for a mothering room. The building has a range of green features including water attenuation tanks, seeded roof, smart lighting. A virtual fly through can be viewed at: