The New Building

a architect(s)

18 Firm
Shepley Bulfinch Richardson Abbott, Boston, USA In association with RPP Architects, Belfast, Northern Ireland
19 Project Architect
Sandy Howe for SBRA Alan Shields for RPP
20 Type of project
new building

b aims of the new building

21 Short description of the main objectives and purposes of the project

To provide a single Information Services building bringing together all of the services provided to users in the areas of Library, Computing, Media Services and Language Centre. To provide a world class, technology-rich, building in place of the increasingly inadequate space provided in the former Main and Science Libraries.

c special features

22 Site
Central location on the main University campus
23 Architecture

”Bent bar” shape incorporating brick and sandstone exterior finishes with large areas of glass. Disabled access and energy efficient, sustainable design were essential requirements.