General Information
a name and address
- 1
Type of library
- public [Public, city]
- 2
Name of library / Name of mother institution
Městská knihovna Louny (City library of Louny)
/ Národní knihovna
- 3
- Mírové náměstí 1440 01 LounyCzech Republic
- 4
Phone / Fax / Email
(+420 734 521 903,
- 5
Name of the director of the library
- Mgr. Dagmar Bahnerová
- 6
Contact person for enquiries
(Mgr. Dagmar Bahnerová, +420 736 645 912)
b population served
- 7
Current readership, number of registered readers
- 4 344 (9. 12. 2011)
- 8
Number of full time students
- 629 students from 16 to 27 years, 1073 students from 6 to 15 years (9. 12. 2011)
- 9
Number of part time students
- 0
- 10
Number of staff in institution
- 10
c the old/original building(s)
- 11
Total floor area
- 702
- 12
Number of reader seats
- 115
- 13
Total capacity of shelving
- 155 647 books
- 14
…in open access storage
- 109 292 books
- 15
…in closed access stacks
- 46 355 books
- 16
Number of library staff
- 12,3
- 17
Opening hours to the public
- 46 hours per week, 334 days per year